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"Maybe. Just maybe. I am, in fact. Insane as hell & it's all due to COVID."

Writer's picture: Arsene FréderiqArsene Fréderiq

In a time where the obvious is inevitable and the norm is the unexpected, it all hit me. That after 8 1/2 months of being in a public health pandemic, I just might be insane. Maybe insane is too strong of a word, but when the top dawgs of my agency mentioned coming into work with the possibility of catching COVID and I almost agreed, I knew that something was off.

This year has been a whirlwind. Just like many others, I started this year with the intention of living my best life. I was going to start working out and eating healthy. I also made a commitment to build stronger relationships with my friends, family, and more. Then boom, COVID happened. I still achieved my goals, but I can’t help but think about the circumstances in which they were accomplished. Now, I’m going to be honest, at first, I did not know what would be the severity of COVID so I sent a prayer up and kept it pushing.

Next thing you know, school is getting canceled; work is getting canceled; people are getting evicted out of their homes; and all of the toilet paper and paper towels were gone. The part that got me is that: I’m working and going to school like it’s business as usual. There have been accommodations, but for the most part, the forces of demand are prevalent.

I’m relieved to share that I’ve been privileged enough to maintain a job. More importantly, I have cultivated a network of support to lean on when it gets tough. But, that doesn’t mean that I won’t be faced with challenges.

As this year comes to a close, I pray that things will turn out ok next year. I was motivated to write this after the sudden realization that we’re going to end this year with COVID and we don’t know what’s going to happen with COVID next year. Nonetheless, the good thing is we still have each other. Don't forget to wear your masks good people, and continue to social distance because these are the best tools we have to overcome COVID. Also, take care of yourselves. Because clearly, we’re all we have 🖤

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